We have developed a technical malfunction which is causing some fairly major site navigation issues.
We added a new page and suddenly the site developed a redirect loop to the new page – all you got when you clicked on Home or tried to load our domain was the new page. Deleting the new page caused an error message “This Web Page has a Redirect Loop.” We installed a plugin to break it which at least permits the home page to load but nothing will load when clicked on.
We are working on it, please bear with us.
If anyone with any tech skills has any ideas we’d love to hear from you: m_flannagan at clear dot net dot nz.
While the problem is not fixed, I have managed to get a work-around solution in place.
I noticed that we can get the site to load if I use a page specific url (just not the www.mandm.org.nz url) and I can comment and I can navigate to all the pages in the nav bar and in the recent comments and trackback widgets but if I try to load the home page it goes straight into crazy loop mode and tries to bring up the new page (which I deleted last night).
So, I tried changing the site address url to point to another page – I chose the archives page http://www.mandm.org.nz/archives and the site seems to be working now.
The problem remains that we still cannot use the home page url by itself but at least we appear functional while we are trying to fix that.
So, as you were 🙂
Problem solved. A plugin broke. Disabling it got rid of the problem.
Tags: Tech Problems4 Comments
I’m having no issues at this moment. I’ve just arrived at your home page from Goolge (I just google mandm and you come up) and everything seems to be fine. Good luck with this though.
I’ve just surfed around the site a bit and clicked on the home button and everything seems to be fine. Someone up there must be looking after you!
The problem is still there though it is good to hear the patch-efforts are holding.
If you are on the home page take a look at the url in your navigation bar – it should not have the ‘admin/’ on the end of it but if I take it off the page goes into a big redirection spiral.
When I am on the home page there is no ‘admin’ at the end of the url and I have not been having any issues. For me the site is the same as it was yesterday and the day before that.
Maybe your computer is going a bit crazy with all of Ken’s comments?