Matt and I have gone camping with no internet access. We’ll be back Friday.
Please try to play nicely without us. 😉
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Tags: Announcements9 Comments
Matt and I have gone camping with no internet access. We’ll be back Friday.
Please try to play nicely without us. 😉
Any urgent blog or moderation issues should be referred to our host churchWEB.
Tags: Announcements9 Comments
© 2006–2025 MandM — Sitemap — hosted by churchWEB — Cutline — Modifications by Madeleine Flannagan.
Have fun!
Yet more proof that I live in the wrong climate and hemisphere.
I have a friend who is wealthy enough to always live in summer. Follows the seasons back and forth between northern ans southern hemispheres. Its enought to make anyone jealous.
Did he make his money in agriculture after studying at Massey?
I wouldnt think so he is a Swiss national, may be a gnome from Zurich!
How did it go, Maddy and Matt?
It was really good! Great location, great time and great weather (we got the last thing packed into the car this morning just before the first raindrop hit and all of us have come home with a little more colour than we left with.
Hi guys. Hope you had a nice time. My view is amazing. Nothing but the sea and blue sky. Wish you guys the best. Our kids start school next week. Our girl is missing her best mate. Hope he’s doing alright.
As long as no one was attacked by moas then the trip should have been awesome!