The first Thursday of the month means Bloggers Drinks! The event for bloggers, blog trolls, blog groupies (bloupies) and blog readers who happen to be in Auckland.
Past blogging celebrities in attendance include bloggers and blog readers from: 21st Century Renaissance, And All These Things, Annie Fox, As Yourself Hermitage, Barnsley Bill, Beretta, Blondie, Bowalley Road, The Fairfacts Media Show, Stephen Franks, Fundy Post, Hard News, Island Life, Garfield Herrington, Bernard Hickey, Cactus Kate, Kiwiblog, MandM, No Minister, No Right Turn, Not PC, Roar Prawn, Lolly Scramble, SOLO, The Standard, Born on State Highway One, Whale Oil, WHOAR! and Wonderful Now.
Come along, unwind, catch up and meet your favourite bloggers and rant talk about whatever you like!
What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks
When: Thursday 3 February, from 6.30pm
Where: Horse and Trap, 3 Enfield St, Mt Eden, Auckland
Who for: Bloggers, blog readers, blog trolls
What for: The talking of nonsense and telling of lies
We’ve decided to try Horse and Trap again as most who attended last time liked the venue, location and prices – so take note of the venue! The Horse and Trap is just down the road from Galbraiths and has Thirsty Thursday specials. RSVP on Facebook or just turn up – Matt and I will not get there til after 7pm.
I so wish I could be there. I would get very drunk, make heaps of rude comments about religion, throw up and then coma out.
Plus the odd line about anti-abortion people being very silly!
What a shame, you and Phil U would have a fair bit to talk about.
Who Phil U? Do they have an alcohol problem?
Haha, Phil U was an incoherent heckler at Kiwiblog famous for non sequiturs, ellipses (…), perpetual unemployment and tokin’ the sweet mary jane :). He runs
Phil U famously turned up to bloggers drinks looking a little worse for the wear and promptly insulted everyone he was introduced to – I recall him saying anyone who was anti-abortion or religious was silly – and them began making heaps of rude comments to everyone. He got into a huge spat with Cactus Kate and Olivia (WhaleOil joined in too). I recall him arguing vociforously against the use of capital letters and began accusing Whale of being a racist but he was off on other tangents to. He ended up storming out. Cactus then ordered a bottle of champers for the table. It was quite memorable if for no other reason than every other person who has turned up to bloggers drinks has fitted in and been accepted no matter what their views are but he was determined not to.
Richard I was pulling your leg; I’m quite sure you’d behave better than Phil U!
I hope I would. Hopefully by the time I came to insulting people I will coma out.