The first Thursday of the month means Bloggers Drinks! The event for bloggers, blog trolls, blog groupies (bloupies) and blog readers. So come along tonight and see if you can talk as much nonsense as Peter Cresswell and Cameron Slater can.
Past blogging celebrities in attendance include bloggers and blog readers from Annie Fox, Barnsley Bill, Beretta, Bowalley Road, The Fairfacts Media Show, Stephen Franks, Fundy Post, Hard News, Island Life, Garfield Herrington, Bernard Hickey, Cactus Kate, Kiwiblog, MandM, No Minister, No Right Turn, Not PC, Roar Prawn, Lolly Scramble, SOLO, The Standard, Born on State Highway One, Whale Oil and WHOAR! … though several didn’t stay around too long.
We’ve decided to experiment with central venues – so take note of the venue! The Horse and Trap is just down the road from Galbraiths and has Thirsty Thursday specials!
What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks
When: Thursday 2 December, from 6.30pm
Where: Horse and Trap, 3 Enfield St, Mt Eden, Auckland
Who for: Bloggers, blog readers, blog trolls
What for: The talking of nonsense and telling of lies
There is a rumour that Blondie from WhaleOil will turn up with an entire home made chocolate caramel slice in her handbag… RSVP on Facebook, invite your friends or just turn up on your own.

Tags: Bloggers · Bloggers Drinks · Cameron Slater · Horse and Trap · Peter Cresswell · Whale Oil7 Comments
Well I can’t see anyone at the horse & trap
Do I count as a blog troll?
Really Lprent? The only person who arrived after 8.30pm was Graham. WhaleOil, Blondie and Ropata were all there before Matt and I arrived – sorry we missed you.
The Horse and Trap was a good venue I thought, cheaper than Galbraiths, better service and I liked its atmosphere.
Richard I would not count you as a troll, no.
Padingtons is good, its also across the road from one of those terrible atheist billboards.
You still moderating comments?
Enjoyed meeting some of the online characters and having random intense conversations… the caramel slice didn’t last long 😀
Had a alarm on the phone to remind me from last month. Went to Galbraiths, couldn’t see anyone, fired up the laptop and checked this post
Wandered down to H&T, looked around the mid bar, saw that there were what looked like a function upstairs, and had a peek in the crowd in the garden bar downstairs. Had a beer, fired up the laptop checked for further details and left the comment above.
I’d just finished work, so was a bit knackered, and I didn’t hunt around too much. Headed home over Newton gully.
Anyway, I’ll keep the warning on the phone. But I’ll check the site next time and attempt to finish earlier at work 🙂