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Vote for MandM

October 1st, 2010 by Madeleine

Nominations have now closed in the search for the best blog post from a biblical blogger. Of the 9 final entries, MandM blog posts made up 4 (see entries: 1, 2, 3 and 7).

The entries are:

  1. Contra Mundum: The Flat-Earth Myth
  2. Religious Restraint and Public Policy: Part I
  3. Sunday Study: Joshua and the Genocide of the Canaanites Part I
  4. The AG paper on Creation and Ken Ham
  5. From Pentecost to Resurrection: Part 5
  6. An Oldie but a Goodie, or, Perichoresis has Nothing to Do with Dancing!
  7. Contra Mundum: Selling Atheism
  8. This “Christ” thing…
  9. John Milbank’s Atavistic Orthodoxy

Voting is only open for 24 hours – it closes 1 Oct (US time).

To vote go here

The prize is a $50 (US) Eisenbrauns Gift Certificate for the winner and a $25 gift certificate for the nominee. There is also a $25 gift certificate for second place. Eisenbrauns are a bookstore specialising in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical scholarship so it is a pretty cool prize for a blogger with an interest in the topic.

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10 responses so far ↓

  • “Yes Paul I do believe cats exist” BEST BLOG EVER! Go MandM. It’s only $50 though.

  • I wondered if you coudl add my blog to your blog roll? thanks

  • Do you think blogs are ok with God, would he approve, or is it kind of selfish? Just wondered!

  • Blogs are just another medium of communication. I think it depends on what is written on the blog as to whether God would have a problem with blogs.

  • I agree with that, Madeline. When is the next Bloggers drinks night? How come you have just so many followers? Far more than the other right/Christian blogs! You must be doing something right!

  • The next bloggers drinks is this Thursday I think – are you coming this time?

  • Hey Goiiiis!, which blog is that bro? I wanna read it, sounds crack up

  • Hey there silio. You mean the blog with “Yes Paul I do believe cats exist” Uhh, i’m quite sure if you look into the archives and search around july/august you;ll find it. Look for Paul Bennett and Matt. Enjoy it matey!

  • Hey there silio. Uhh, i’m quite sure if you look into the archives and search around july/august you;ll find it. Look for Paul Bennett and Matt. Enjoy it matey!

  • 2 comments?? I hope that i am not being victim of identity theft such as other bloggists on here! I’m truly outraged! AND frankly, i pray that these situations don’t arise in the near future..