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October 19th, 2010 by Madeleine

Apologies everyone, it has become necessary to turn comment moderation on. There is a limit to how much time we want to spend removing off-topic, sexually loaded and personally abusive comments left by school-boys each day.

We will try to clear and release comments a few times a day. I am working through my Certificate in Professional Legal Studies online at the moment so I am online a fair bit and it only takes a minute to log in here.

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9 responses so far ↓

  • That’s completely understandable. When freedom is not placed within a proper perspective on virtues, then all sorts of filth will come about. Unfortunately, the internet can be a breeding ground for such a lack in virtues.

  • Indeed. It is just annoying as we’ve always had open commenting and have simply allowed the other commentors to help set and moderate the tone.

    I should not have to explain to these pimply school-boys that I don’t care if they think they are “well hung” or that they “masturbate over my photo” (a serious turn-off anyway) as I am not going on a sleep-over date with someone who was recently a student in my husband’s class and is the same age as my son.

  • Ugh. That’s nasty.

  • Censorship yay, we win. We took away your freedom.

    Terrorist win once again.

    Well actually no, we took away your freedom to harass us. Everyone else still gets to speak here freely, just not you.

  • If you want an extra hand in moderation I’m here to help. Just give me the extra power required and I can help ease the load for you. Offer is there.

    Have you report those boys behaviour to their parents?

  • BTW what does ‘well hung’ mean?

  • Moderation is a good thing, but please let the healthy discussions continue.

  • The only comments that will not get through are the sexually peverse or off-topic personal abuse so 99% of comments will get through.

    At the moment I am checking for new comments about every few hours so we are right for now thanks Richard. I have Profs to do online and I have a big assignment to work on at the moment so I’m just keeping the admin window open in the background and Matt is writing his articles for his Nov deadlines and his US talks so he is doing the same thing, it only takes a minute to switch windows and release the pending comments. If we get stuck I’ll look into working out how to add users who can moderate comments and let you know.

    We are working with the school to identify the students so their parents should be informed soon.

  • Madeleine, the comment made on the 20th Oct was NOT by me. I wouldn’t say something stupid like that .Someone else has used my name and I was shocked to see so eh.
    Im happy you’ve turned on moderation cause things were starting to get out of hand. I was gonna say that you should make it compulsory to give your email when writing a comment, which you have done so that is good.
    It feels like you can’t trust anyone cause people are acting as others n that is so wrong. I like this site n u guys are doing a great job with your circumstances n all. I still wanna comment and take part but from now on I will no longer be silio cause others are using that name for wrong reasons.

    Kia ora