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Apologetics 315 Interviews Matthew Flannagan on his Contribution to Apologetics

August 23rd, 2010 by Madeleine

Apologetics 315, which brings together a variety of apologetics resources including audio, debates, podcasts, book reviews and articles profiling the works of the best apologists in the world, has interviewed Matt as part of their series.

Apologetics 315 Interviews Matthew Flannagan

Matt is the first kiwi apologist to be featured in this series and stands alongside

such contemporary greats as William Lane Craig, Michael Licona, Gary Habermas, Paul Copan, Greg Koukl, Doug Groothius, Doug Geivett, Craig Hazen, Peter Williams, Kenneth Samples, Chris Shannon to name a few.

The interview is in the form of a half-hour podcast entitled Apologist Interview: Matthew Flannagan. It covers how Matt got into philosophy of religion, the international attention some of his work has received, his upcoming research projects, his upcoming US speaking engagements, his recent debate with Raymond Bradley, his thoughts on the benefit of public debate, the need for reasoned faith and more.

We’d like to thank our generous supporters who donated the necessary equipment for us to be able to do interviews via Skype.

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29 responses so far ↓

  • I just listened today – That came across really well. Hopefully it earns Matt a bit more of the right kind of attention.

  • Apologetics 315: Apologist Interview: Matthew Flannagan…

    I really enjoyed the interview of Matthew Flannagan. Brian Auten asks him great questions about his work as an apologist. He’s from New Zealand and has been growing an international reputation….

  • Hey Glenno, nice comment but why don’t you slap some of the salami around and I’ll give the sauce bottle a fair shake? What ya reckon?

  • Oh come on Glenno you are smart enough to know what I am on about.

  • I’m lost.

    My first instinct was that you were accusing Glenn of bias but you yourself earlier posted praise of the interview so I am lost.

  • Don’t play dumb Maddy, you just got ya degree and yes I did praise the interview and I will continue to do so. You know what this end of the sausage is about…

  • I’m sorry, but the salami and sauce reference is totally lost on me. Perhaps I’m not as smart as you think, Richard.

  • I have been googling sausages and their ends and I still do not get it.

    One site said that everything has an end but only a sausage has two but that seemed counter-intuitive and I confess to not really getting it so I don’t think that that was what you had in mind?

  • It is a facebook group Richard Everything has an end… only a sausage has two. You can ‘like’ it if you want.

  • It appears to be a page run by a lone sausage bemoaning the approach of Christmas with no friends.

  • What was that site maddy?

  • I’m not on facebook or any form of digital social networking, not even Twitter.

  • It looked like a burnt sizzler.

    Sounds good (the facebook page I mean, not the sausage).

  • Hmmm 229 people (or Facebook users I should say) have liked it. What ya say about me setting up a MandM FB group and seeing if we can beat 229 likes? How about it?

    Not even a nice looking sausage.

  • Would it be time for Matt to have a new promo photo? The one here makes him look very evil.

  • heh, perhaps a new picture would be good. I recall seeing a comment on the Flannagan-Bradley debate that, going by the pictures, it would be between a retired ski instructor and a cyborg.

  • I like this picture… the other pictures on that website all look like tele-evangelists after your money. Matt looks real…. don’t go changin’!

  • I have to say that I like this picture a great deal too. Maybe it takes knowing Matt and knowing his facial expressions in real life to see what I see in this pic.

    Still I do concede he does need a better PR shot. We have it on our to do list.

  • Sure – but keep the T-Shirt… he is a kiwi – don’t put the man in a tie!

  • Matt looks like a cyborg about to shoot lasers out of his eyes, most likely aimming for some poor unsuspecting atheist. How about taking a photo of him smiling? Or do theologians not smilie? Secular moral philosophers do and theologians have more to look forward to than them so I don’t think there is any excuse for not turning that frown upside down. How about it?

  • Cue a very Kiwi “I am bloody smiling.”

  • That pic is Matt smiling.

  • Yep, short of opening his mouth and doing a big toothy grin (he has fang eye teeth so combined with the steely blues that too is often not a great look) this pic depicts how far as his mouth turns up without his smile becoming a grimace.

    There is an angle of his face that works in a open mouthed smile, we have the odd pic with him caught on that angle that looks good, the problem is that those pics are either old or they have other people or things in them that are not conducive to a profile pic.

    We have a camera coming that we can play with in a few days so I will attempt to shoot him on that angle but with a plain backdrop – failing that we will have to pin down one of our professional photographer friends.

  • Email me the photo before you put it on the web and I’ll tell you whether it is ok or not. I take it you can see my email address?

  • his fang eye teeth makes him look like something from the vampire diaries aye bro haha