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Finally! The Words I Have Waited 17 Years to See

July 22nd, 2010 by Madeleine

I just logged into nDeva, the University of Auckland’s student records intranet and I just now read the words I have been waiting to read since my first day at Waikato Law School back on 1 March 1993:Welcome to Graduation!

You are eligible to graduate LLB

After everything I went through to get here, as I shared some of in my post In Pursuit of an LLB, I am just so happy.

Back to Law School

Update on Madeleine’s Car Accident and Recovery
In Pursuit of an LLB – Some News!
Power Cuts and Deadlines
Putting Down my Pen

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22 responses so far ↓

  • When will you start your Masters?

  • Wow, congratulations. Seems like its been a long time coming.

  • I don’t know. Given our financial situation I feel obligated to try to work – though I am not sure how as 15 hour a week (all I am medically cleared to work) newbie lawyer positions do not seem to exist.

    There is also the question of where to do my masters, I do not necessarily want to tie us to Auckland for the next year or so . I have had some discussion with some US law schools, I am looking at Australian ones. A lot depends on how the rest of this year pans out for Matt in terms of vacancies that arise, his applications to them, his US trip, his upcoming publications and my ACC appeal.

    It is unlikely we will remain in New Zealand very long into next year if something does not give so it is probably best to work out where we will be next year and then decide on the Masters – I’d love to start it in Semester A 2011 but we’ll see…

  • Your doing the typical NZ graduate thing of moving overseas once you get your qualification! Shame NZ does not put more effort into keeping its graduates (aka intelligent people).

  • We are Richard but what choice do we have? Matt has held a PhD for almost 4 years and has only been able to secure part-time, fixed-term work in his field – he has been repeatedly shut out of or not considered for roles in favour of less qualified or completely unqualified people in some arena’s (to the detriment of those arenas in some circumstances in my opinion) and yet those working at the top of his field in the US seem to really value his skills and go out of their way to help, encourage, open doors and so on.

    If NZ does not like it, NZ has a few months to keep us here or else we’re gone – we will continue to diligently apply for any and every vacancy that comes up but come December we will officially make the call. In December I will have completed Profs and have applied to the Bar and Matt will be back from the US with most of his scheduled publications completed. Our locked away investment fund will have matured so we will have the means to relocate despite being hard up right now. The question will simply be where?

    We have children to feed and skills to serve with that are not being used to their full potential and we are both wired in such a way that the need to serve, to use our skills for good is strong. I can no longer be the provider due to my disability and for us we don’t want it that way around anyway, I love being at home with my kids and just working part-time and helping Matt and Matt really wants to work full-time. So what else do we do? Keep sitting here in a falling apart house penny pinching and asking for handouts? Like I said we don’t have much choice.

  • I completely agree, my friends and I have all been through it.

  • Great work Madeleine!

  • Congratulations!
    The whole High Calling Community celebrates with you!

    Every, every blessing!

    All’s grace,
    Ann Voskamp

  • Well done Madeleine.
    All the best.

  • Congratulations, hope it leads to satisfying and rewarding employment.

  • Excellent, I am really proud of you hon.

  • Good on you for sticking with it through thick and thin. Just enjoy the moment for now …

  • You have shown grit, determination and perseverance. Some of the things that you have blogged about that you have been dealing with have made my hair curl. I cannot imagine trying to maintain study under such circumstances. Well done on keeping up until the finish line.

  • Wow, I have always wondered what this day would feel like. And right now I’m still trying to work it out. But it is a proud feeling. Well done, I always knew you would get there.

    I guess the air ticket will come in handy now.

    Love mum xx

    Thanks Mum. I could not have done it without your support and love. Can’t wait to see you. Love Madeleine

  • Congrats!
    When i first saw the title post, I thought the words might have been “you have the winning numbers” for Lotto 🙂

    Seriously though, I don’t know if I’d have the stamina to study for that long, so well done!

  • Congratulation for this epic achievement!

  • Thanks everyone, your kind words have all really added something to this moment, it has been a great day!

    I start Profs on Monday so another 4 months of study but I am getting really close now to donning the wig and stepping up to the bar!

  • Great. Congratulations on your achievement. This is an important milestone in your life and the credit is all yours. Congratulations.

  • Congratulations! Long time coming degrees have a special intensity of satisfaction 🙂