On the first Thursday of every month bloggers who happen to be in Auckland gather for the B3 (Bloggers Bar Bash).
What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks
When: Thursday 5 August from 6.30pm
Where: Galbraiths, 2 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland
Who: Bloggers, blog readers, blog trolls
Past blogging celebrities in attendance include bloggers, blog readers and trolls from Annie Fox, Barnsley Bill, Beretta, The Fairfacts Media Show, Stephen Franks, Garfield Herrington, Bernard Hickey, Cactus Kate, Kiwiblog, MandM, No Minister, Not PC, Roar Prawn, Lolly Scramble, SOLO, State Highway One, Whale Oil and WHOAR!
(MacDoctor is piking again – something about work or saving lives – excuses, excuses…)
Members of the media, members of parliament and other NZ celebrities have attended in the past but I won’t bother naming them because they are not bloggers and so are not as important or famous as the rest of us.
There is a Facebook page you can RSVP at and leave witty comments on or you can just turn up.
Not that it’s any of your business, Richard…
Seeing we are pulling verses out of context my reply is proverbs 31:7
Spending your money on alcohol and socialising? I thought you two were saving hard for Matt’s trip overseas and other family costs.
Anyway what happened to Matthew 19:23-24?
They’re not monks…
Richard, ever since ACC cut Madeleine off we just drink water at Bloggers Drinks, which is free at Galbraiths – or we might accept a shout from someone.
I’m glad you have cleared that up. You should at least take some Raro to mix with it.
Richard, I cannot say why you are so set on being obnoxious, but the fact that someone buys themselves a drink and hangs out with friends does not become your business just because they can’t afford thousands in international travel.
Perhaps you could have contacted Matt or Mads privately with your concern if it is a genuine concern and not just an excuse to be a jerk.
Richard, the passage occurs in the context of a conversation Jesus had with a particular person. He told this person to give up his possessions such. In other contexts, in conversations with others he did not give such instructions. Nor does it appear to have been understood as normative for all as there is nothing in the epistles or Acts demanding this sort of sacrifice, So its not clear this is a command to every person who follows Jesus.
The issue here appears to be that this person had claimed to obey the commandments, but yet was unwilling to give up wealth to follow God if instructed.
Jesus goes on to say its hard for wealthy people to inherit the kingdom of heaven, however the next verse states
25When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” 26Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
So I am inclined to think the issue is about materialism and putting money and wealth first, not about wealth per se, this fits better with every thing else the the scriptures state.
If he is asking for my money it is.
Richard, one issue your comments raise is whether one should expect Miracles to happen like this as the norm. Frequently the Miracles function as signs of who Jesus is so its not clear they are supposed to be the norm for other people.
Richard, firstly I do have a blog, and secondly – it seems that you don’t like me criticising you. Does that make you a totalitarian? Maybe you want to control people who criticise you? Ah, or maybe it’s only totalitarianism when people object to your comments, but if you don’t like other people’s comments, then that’s all fine and dandy.
See, you’re a jerk to people, and then when someone else objects, you act like a jerk to them too. if you don’t like it when people say that you’re being a jerk, then maybe the internet isn’t your scene. I think the lesson you can take from this is that if you make obnoxious personal comments and generally troll websites, some people might notice.
Nice one! You really got me there!
Sorry to be an annoyance (yet again) but where could I find some information on Matthew 19:23-24? What context is it meant to be read and understood in? How can Christians justify being rich?
Well rather than doing the Raro thing with the water I’d rather work out how to pull off a John 2:1-11.
Yea Maddy it would be awesome if miracles like that still happened today.
Time to get your own blog Glenn. Maybe you could have a more
totalitarian rule over the comments there if you don’t like them?
Thanks Matt.
I can understand that but what I was saying in respond to Maddy comment was a slight attempt at humour due to your situation. Maybe we shouldn’t expect miracles to happen but there are times that if they did happen it could potentially improve our lives.
You have made me so scared. I’m going to be a nice person from now on. How was your day?
Really wish I could join you all for a beer. Would enjoy that immensely.
I think it was meant light-heatedly.
Agreed @Athiest. Sounds like a good time, and with some entertainment to boot. 😉
I’ll be going to this event. Look forward to meeting you MandM.
And you too Richard 🙂
Be prepared for a lot of questions on theology, philosophy and politics.
At bloggers drinks we always are!