In an exam room somewhere on the campus of the University of Auckland I just put down my pen. (Thanks to the wonders of blog post scheduling I can both blog and write an exam contemporaneously).
Unlike every other time I have put down my pen at the end of an exam during the long drawn out process that has been my LLB studies this time was special because this time I did not just complete my exam script, I completed my degree!
I began my law studies on 1 March 1993. I had no idea when I entered that first lecture that it would be 17 years before I saw this moment but here I am. As I shared in my post In Pursuit of an LLB, I have overcome some fairly major obstacles to get here so this moment is very sweet!
P.S. Yes, now my degree is complete blogging will pick up – this semester’s workload has been very, very full.
Tags: Law Studies16 Comments
Congrats Madz!
A wonderful sensation and reality for you… and well deserved. A time of joyous reflection and celebration! Make sure you enjoy the moment before moving on to the next task! Now here’s an idea… spend some moments reading a blog post by a certain blogger 😉 Okay, so it may be many moments!
If you are confused, I emailed you!
Trusting that the exam went well, CONGRATULATIONS!
well done, you completed your degree faster than Steven Joyce completed his!
Congrats hon, I am so proud of you, you have shown determination that is truly inspiring.
well done, excellent tenacity and courage
Congratulations Madeleine! With any luck, I should finish my diploma in November. In the meantime, I have a structural theory exam I should be studying for and not reading blogs 🙂
Thanks everyone – I am physcially shattered, my pain levels are really bad as it was an intellectually demanding exam so I was not able to pace myself at all physically but I feel awesome even if I cannot move from my bean bag.
Jonny I saw your email, I have not read it yet but I will now.
Glenn I am not sure it went well but I definitely did enough to pass.
Dave good to know I am not the slowest person ever to complete a degree!
Matt I could never have done it without you – literally – I would have failed the year I had the car accident if you had not attended all my lectures, taken notes and taped them for me.
Thanks Gavin, it has felt like an ordeal at times but I was not going to quit.
Ciaron all the best with your diploma studies and your upcoming exam.
Great work Madeleine! I just wish everyone had your committment, motivation and courage. Keep up the fantastic work!
Well done, Madeleine.
Well done… Both of you… It was a team effort in many ways!
Congratulations Madeleine.
Tim W
Well done, it’s a fantastic achievement to have gone back and finished it after so long, and with such obstacles to overcome.
I remember finishing my MBA…was a real anti-climax, I don’t know why
But it’s a great feeling of some sort of relief that it’s over – and that ‘you won’
Congratulations Madeleine! I’m sure that the degree with serve you well.
Well done, Madeleine
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