On the first Thursday of every month (except for this month because the first Thursday fell on the eve of Good Friday and people tend to go away for Easter weekend) Auckland bloggers gather for the B3 (Bloggers Bar Bash).
What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks
When: Thursday 8 April from 6.30pm
Where: Galbraiths, 2 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland
The B3, as it is coined by regulars, is open to anyone who happens to be in Auckland who writes for, comments on or reads blogs.
Past blogging celebrities in attendance include bloggers and bloupies (blog groupies) from Annie Fox, Barnsley Bill, Beretta, Cactus Kate, Garfield Herrington, Interest.co.nz, Kiwiblog, Lolly Scramble, MandM, Night City Trader, No Minister, Not PC, Roar Prawn, SOLO, State Highway One, Stephen Franks, The Fairfacts Media Show, Whale Oil and WHOAR.
RSVP on Facebook or just turn up… we’ll be there.
Tags: Bloggers Drinks · Events5 Comments
Sounds good. I’ll try to make it.
Looking forward to this, I hope the socialists pay for their own drinks.
Do you mean that if you become a socialist other people buy your drinks?
Sign me up. =)
No Jason, if you are a socialist you just expect other people to pay for your drinks.
I am still dealing with the reality that I may well be spending some of my precious leisure time in the company of pinko’s.
Guess I’m not welcome then….