Just a reminder that tomorrow night, Thursday 11 March, at 7pm, in OGGB 4, at the University of Auckland, Matt will be part of a panel along with scientists Drs Neil Broom, Jeff Talon and Robert Mann, whom you can fire questions at around the topic “Has Science Disproved God?”
The organisers – Thinking Matters, the sponsors – TSCF and Matt and I have had a lot of feedback and buzz around this event we are expecting a good turnout and people seem to be getting their questions ready; topics that look set to come up include the scientific evidence for God, against God, issues around Naturalism and the project of science itself. So make sure you don’t miss it!
Now to the lay person these topics may sound complicated, I have been assured by the organisers that this is a lay-friendly event. All the PhD’s on the panel will be speaking plain english and breaking down anything complicated so that the rest of us can follow. Matt and I are bringing our teenagers and some of their friends so that should give you an idea of how accessible it will be.
More information is available here.
If you cannot make this event, can you make it to Christianity on Trial on Tues 16 March?
Tags: Events · Jeff Tallon · Matthew Flannagan · Neil Broom · Richard Dawkins · Robert Mann · Science and Religion · Thinking Matters7 Comments
Awwww, I wish i could come! Are you going to tape it?
Both events are being videoed and should find their way online.
Excellent, I look forward to watching it some time. I’d love to be able to attend these events. Perhaps soon. 🙂
.-= My last blog-post ..The Peanut Butter Argument Against Evolution? =-.
It is great that both events are being videoed! Gotta give them wide dissemination!
I can’t make it to the first event, but God willing, I will be in Auckland for the second event on the following Tuesday… and even, at this event!
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I too am sorry that I wont be there tonite yet knowing it will be taped is good news.
Will you put it on You tube?
A good blog post, giving a run down on the night, highlighting the significant moments, post the event, would also be much appreciated (you probably already planned this… consider this further encouragement)!
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It was videoed, it will be put on You Tube. The videoer has to edit and format it and then do the mammoth 2-day upload that is required for You Tube so it could be a few weeks away as he has a lot on himself but we will post it on this blog when it is online and it will also appear on Thinking Matters’ site.
The write up is in the pipline, I will be writing it as Matt can hardly review himself. That said, tonight I have a teenage boy sleepover party which means I have to prepare a LOT of food and it has been requested that I make a “Hopdiddy Face” birthday cake which will also see me not-blogging. Once the part starts I have to head to Uni for the first mooting lecture at 6pm then Saturday after feeding all the teenage boys breakfast and sending them home we have to formally part with our horse, Troggy, as his trial is over and we have received an offer for purchase. This is going to involve a visit to his new home and final hugs and lots of tissues.
So…. once I am passed all that and recovered from it, I will work on a review of the event and get it posted.
In the mean time I encourage you to all work on getting to the next event:
.-= My last blog-post ..Christianity on Trial @ Auckland University =-.