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Christianity on Trial – Tuesday Night

March 15th, 2010 by Madeleine

Just a reminder to come to tomorrow night’s event at the University of Auckland where Matt will be part of a panel along with scientist Dr Jeff Talon, theologians Joe Fleener and Michael Drake, whom you can fire questions at around the topic “Christianity on Trial – is belief in God delusional, is it a roadblock to political, moral and scientific progress?”

The speakers are:

Jeff Tallon (PhD) is Distinguished Scientist at Industrial Research Ltd and a former Professor of Physics at Victoria University. He is internationally known for his research in high-temperature superconductors, is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand and in 2002 was awarded the Rutherford Medal, New Zealand’s highest science award.

Matthew Flannagan (PhD) adjunct lecturer in Philosophy at Laidlaw College and Bethlehem Tertiary Institute and is currently teaching philosophy, ethics and religious studies at St Peters College. He specialises in applied ethics and the interface between philosophy and theology. He is a prominent New Zealand Christian commentator, debater and blogger.

Michael Drake
(DipTeach) is the principal of Carey College in Panmure and a pastor of the Tamaki Reformed Baptist Church. He has been involved in advocacy for Christian schools and in raising issues about race, education, and Christianity before Parliament. He is also a Tertiary Student Christian Fellowship Associate Chaplain at the Manukau Institute of Technology.

Joe Fleener (MDiv) lectures in Old Testament, Church History, Christian Worldview, Apologetics, and Christian Ethics at The Shepherd’s Bible College.

When: Tuesday 16 March at 7pm

Where: “The Centennial” 260 – 098 Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road, The University of Auckland

The organisers – Thinking Matters, the sponsors – TSCF and I are expecting a good turnout. As this is the last event in this series it is definitely not to be missed so get your questions ready and come along!

This is a lay-friendly event, all the panelists will be speaking plain english and breaking down anything complicated so that the rest of us can follow. The three teenagers I brought to last week’s “Has Science Disproved God?” are all keen for more so that should give you an idea of how accessible these events are.

More information is available here.

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