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Featuring MandM

February 23rd, 2010 by Madeleine

This week both Matt and I have been featured in some blog carnivals:

Matt’s pieces on biblical inerrancy, Inerrancy and Biblical Authority and Two Forms of Inerrancy, were featured in the Christian Carnival CCCXV at Ancient Hebrew Poetry. John FH gives Matt the following write up:

Matt writes exceptionally well. He makes one good point after another. Still, I think the two poles he posits, Verbal Plenary Inspiration (VPI) and Didactic Plenary Inspiration (DPI), represent a false dichotomy. I hold to both: VPI “that each and every word used in the Bible is exactly the word that God wanted used,” and DPI “the question to be asked with respect to a Biblical text is “what was it intended to teach?”; “the particular message that God wants to convey gets across.” I also hold that God superintended the transmission (SPI) of the text such that it was, over time, faithfully edited and translated, and is, for all intensive purposes, just as inerrant in the Septuagint as it is in the MT; in the Textus Receptus as in Nestle-Aland; in the NIV as in the KJV. Finally, I hold that the correct conveyance of the message that God wants to gets across depends on the present work of the Holy Spirit (HSPI). Any other position, in my view, has too dim a view of God’s providence. Since Matt likes to refer to the “originals” which we do not have, and applies the language of inerrancy to them alone, I am left to assume, which is absurd, that he considers the NIV or KJV Bible (or whatever) read and preached on in church on a given Sunday to be an errant text. Matt: you have just been hazed by a biblical blogger. Please consider it a token of respect.

Feel free to discuss this comment here. As usual, the Christian Carnival features a wide range of pieces from all over the blogosphere so click through to Ancient Hebrew Poetry to have a browse.

My pieces on property rights jurisprudence, Property Rights: Blackstone, Locke and the Legislative Scheme Part I and Part II were featured in the Philosophers’ Carnival at In Living Color. This edition of the carnival is had an animal philosophy section so there are some really interesting pieces.

Matt picked up some work teaching philosophy, ethics and religious education to an Auckland High School this week, which may last anything from 2 weeks through the end of the term. He has to get his head around the readings and adjust to teaching 23 periods a week so researching and writing for the blog has to take a back seat. We were working on a joint project around the Medical Council’s guidelines that were the subject of an injunction last week – he taking the ethics, I tackling the rights and freedoms legal issues and jointly both of us putting together the jurisprudence but that is now on hold though I will keep doing my bit. Matt has also been writing a Sunday Study on the long ages in the Old Testament but that too has been delayed. So, having a peruse of these carnivals and the blogs on our blogroll might be a good idea for the next day or so…

Or you could read Garfield Herrington’s review of us/this blog over at Gotcha:

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