On the first Thursday of every month, Auckland bloggers gather for the B3 (Bloggers Bar Bash).
What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks
When: Thursday 3 February from 6.30pm
Where: Galbraiths, 2 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland
The B3, as it coined by regulars, is open to anyone who happens to be in Auckland. Past blogging celebrities in attendance include bloggers and bloupies (blog groupies – those who read blogs) from Annie Fox, Beretta, Cactus Kate, Interest.co.nz, Kiwiblog, Lolly Scramble, MandM, No Minister, Not PC, Roar Prawn, SOLO, State Highway One, The Fairfacts Media Show, Whaleoil and WHOAR.
RSVP on Facebook or just turn up…
Matt and I will be there fresh from spending the day filming “Marae: the Great Waitangi Debate” at TVNZ. We’ve been invited to represent the blogging community from the studio the audience and are expected to comment from the floor at some point, which I’m sure will be taxing, so we’ll definitely be in need of a beverage.
Meeting you both at the tv debate was the highlight of the day for me. You are a beautiful Christian couple. Two mighty worriors for the truth of the gospel of grace. I praise the Lord for you and hope we can become friends.
Thankyou Tim, we enjoyed meeting you and were amazed at your historical knowledge – we heard things we’d never heard before yet when we checked them out you were right; it is appalling that some of these things were news to us. Every New Zealander should know them.
We’re regulars at the bloggers drinks so come along some time and keep in touch.
The purpose of all the ‘treaty education’ has been to burry the truth, not to enlighten, but to deceive and to promote corrupt anti-British/ anti colonialism. It is the greatest systematic dis-information. They have brain washed a Nation as surely as the Nazis did.
Martin Doutre is New Zealand’s foremost expert on the history of the Waitangi treaty documents, and His claim that the modern treaty is fake…is no conspiracy theory but absolutely verifiable fact.
Like Me, He gets labeled as a Loon not because he is wrong but because the truth he holds does not suit the treaty separatists or our government.
Hi Tim, what happened to your WordPress blog? I was an interested visitor ..
.-= My last blog-post ..The Illusion of Consumer Culture =-.
Hi Ropata,
I have made several attempts at having my own blog but because I am borderline dyslexic and borderline technomoron and too chaotic in my private life to produce neat and orderly pieces so I always abandon them. I am eternally grateful to the bloggers like M and M and Newspaper editors, who look past my failings to the ideas I support and publish my stuff after charitably dotting my iz and crossing my tees. All my stuff is raw yet I prefer to ignore all the excuses why I should say nothing (to avoid embarrassment) and stick my neck out warts and all. It is the only way I can look in the mirror!
If I was to start another Blog I would call it “I hate spelling!”
Just to add something more here is a link to a piece I wrote on Key, Brash, and Obama…cheers!