Just because I am a blogger, I’m friends with Cameron Slater a.k.a. Whale Oil, I’ve gone on the record as supporting some of Cameron Slater’s concern with the current practice of name suppression orders for celebrities and I’m legally connected does NOT mean that I automatically always know who the beneficiary of every celebrity name suppression order is and is most certainly does NOT mean that if I know that I will tell everyone who emails me and asks. (The number of requests for names I’ve received in the past 24 hours is well into double digits).
I am not about to break the law. I do not view this issue as grounds for civil disobedience (as I do not believe it meets the criteria) and I am planning on applying for admission to the bar later this year so you have got to be kidding if you think I would share if I knew. (And yeah, ok, I do know who the sport celebrity, the comedian and the MP are… but I’m zipped, ok, so stop trying it.)
I wish Cam all the best with his mission, I stand with him as a friend, I hope he comes through this fairly unscathed but that does not mean I am about to join him so give. it. up. please 🙂
I’m seriously going to yell at the next person who asks.
Name Suppression and the Balancing of Rights and Freedoms
Tags: Name Suppression · Whale Oil4 Comments
Can you let us know who the next person is? Canya?
.-= My last blog-post ..Whaleoil and Name Suppression =-.
Does anybody who has a life really care who the person is?
.-= My last blog-post ..Chicago thugs prepare to throw Israel under the bus…. =-.
KG wrote: “Does anybody who has a life really care who the person is?”
First, nice call-out on Zen, saves me shouting at him.
Second, I care. I care because I support the principle of openness and the right of all citizens to freedom of expression, which includes the right to seek and receive information.
I am not happy to not be able to see justice being done. This is tantamount to asking me to simply trust the state, which I will not, not because I am paranoid but because I believe as a citizen of a democracy that I have a duty to watch the state and ensure that it administers justice.
Further, as I believe in the maxim innocent until proven guilty and as I believe all are equal before the law, I only support name suppression for extenuating circumstances and not for celebrities.
For all of the above reasons, I care who is being shielded from public view (but I’m not going to try to seek their name or name them if I accidentally stumble across their name while a court order is in place).
.-= My last blog-post ..John Loftus on Calvin, Matthew Flannagan and Psalm 14 =-.
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