There will be no Sunday Study this week as the past week has been taken up with preparing for the memorial service on Waiheke Island, the Faith and Science conference I spoke at yesterday and two other deadlines for written work due Friday; and on top of all that, our family car blew its head […]
Entries from August 2nd, 2009
Tribute to Mark Richards: Poet, Writer, Teacher, Sailor, Musician and My Grandfather
August 2nd, 2009 Comments Off on Tribute to Mark Richards: Poet, Writer, Teacher, Sailor, Musician and My Grandfather
On the ferry to Waiheke Island yesterday as I watched all the Hauraki Gulf’s islands pass me by I remembered the hours I had spent on those waters as a child on my Grandfather Mark’s boat. I told my children as they too looked out the ferry window that I had been on that beach, […]
Just Voted in the Smacking Referendum
July 31st, 2009 9 Comments
Our voting papers for the smacking referendum arrived in this afternoon’s post. Matt managed to make it home just before the post shop closed so our completed ballots are already in the mail on their way back to the Returning Officer. It was easy; no driving, no parking, no queuing, no mucking around with ID. […]
Tags: Referendum · s59 · Smacking
The State is Not Above the Law: Bennett and the Beneficiaries
July 31st, 2009 14 Comments
In their haste to jump to the aspect of the Paula Bennett and the beneficiaries story that best supports their political view, most commentators seem to be missing the fact that Paula Bennett, government Minister, arguably broke the law when she reached into her department’s records and made public the precise amounts of welfare each […]
Key and Goff on Family Matters at the 2009 Forum on the Family
July 30th, 2009 3 Comments
The 2009 Forum on the Family is nearly upon us. This year John Key and Phil Goff are slated to face-off, Lord of the NZ Blogosphere, David Farrar, will be making an appearance, details of the rest of this years lineup are on the poster (click on the image if you cannot read it). You […]
Tags: Forum on the Family · John Key · Phil Goff
Auckland Bloggers Drinks
July 29th, 2009 Comments Off on Auckland Bloggers Drinks
On the first Thursday of every month, Auckland bloggers gather for the Bloggers Bar Bash: What: A social gathering of bloggers and bloupies (those who read, comment on and hang out with bloggers)When: 6 August from 6.30pmWhere: Galbraiths, 2 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland Open to any blogger who happens to be in Auckland. […]
(dis)Honest to God: How Not to Argue about the Smacking Referendum
July 28th, 2009 73 Comments
Given that yesterday we advertised Dr Glenn Peoples’ upcoming public lectures and because the smacking referendum begins on Saturday, I thought we’d share this article critiquing bad anti-smacking reasoning by Glenn. (dis)Honest to God: How Not to Argue about the Smacking Referendum Ian Harris tells us (“Honest to God,” Dominion Post, [Dominion Post. Saturday July […]
Tags: Glenn Peoples · Ian Harris · Referendum · s59 · Smacking