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Philosophers’ Carnival – Call for Submissions

December 3rd, 2009 by Matt

The current edition of the Philosophers’ Carnival is here; the next Philosophers’ Carnival is heading down under and will be hosted by this blog.

So… you’ve got a couple of weeks to submit an entry.

The lowdown on the carnival and the criteria for submissions is explained in full here. The short version is that you should  use the BlogCarnival submissions form to submit your link to the blog post you’d like to have featured.  It doesn’t have to be something new, feel free to use something you might have written a while back but that perhaps deserves more exposure. Also keep in mind that Philosophers’ Carnival founder Richard Chappell points out that “your post doesn’t need to be anything earth-shattering – it just needs to be something that other philosophically-minded people might enjoy reading.”

It would be great to see some more kiwi contributions amongst the international ones especially now that Richard is an honorary yank – I’m not sure we can claim him anymore 😉

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