In March 2008 I was in a car accident that severely damaged my neck, saw me have disc replacement surgery and to this day sees me in pain and unable to work full-time. To say this has been life changing is an understatement. I have lost a lot, my family has lost a lot but I’ve been slowly learning how to put things back in my life that I used to enjoy, even if I cannot do them to the extent I used to.
On Friday I graduated from The Auckland Regional Pain Service (TARPS) 3 week program for chronic pain sufferers. On that course in addition to gaining new pacing skills, motivation and beginning a new strength and activation rehab program it was suggested to me a way of putting my love of horse riding back into my life – it was so simple I don’t know why I didn’t think of it – Riding for the Disabled. (Our daughter’s horse, Trogdor the Burninator, is half Arab and unreliably behaved at best so he’s not a safe option for me to ride)
So, having not been on a horse since riding in the Massey ODE back in March 2008, this morning I got back in the saddle thanks to Riding for the Disabled’s Henderson branch – something I long feared I would never be able to do again – but today I did it, and I’ve got the pictures to prove it!
The horse was called Dream… rather apt!
Tags: Car Accident · Disc Replacement Surgery · Equestrian · Horse Riding · Riding for the Disabled · TARPS2 Comments
Yay! Go Madeleine! Horses are beautiful animals, a real joy in life.
.-= My last blog-post ..Of fusses about buses =-.
They are and not being able to ride left a big hole in my life. I could still enjoy them from the ground but it’s not the same.
Today was awesome! I’m going to hurt like mad tomorrow from it, which is pathetic given I only rode at a walk for 25 minutes, but its all good as none of the achey patches are the site of my usual pain.