Spotted this over at Hitting Metal with a Hammer in The real climate hockey stick revealed and had to have it:
It really raises questions of sustainability.
Tags: AGW · Climate Change · Climategate · Global Warming · Hockey Stick Graph19 Comments
Spotted this over at Hitting Metal with a Hammer in The real climate hockey stick revealed and had to have it:
It really raises questions of sustainability.
Tags: AGW · Climate Change · Climategate · Global Warming · Hockey Stick Graph19 Comments
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No, No, No,
I believe you are purposefully not taking into account the Medieval ‘Learning’ Period, where climate science flourished in Britain, and even in Greenland!
HERE IT IS! “A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor” ~ An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and Economics of Global Warming!
Johnny, Don’t be such a pseudo scientist, you are clearly politically motivated in your comments and so because I have discerned political motives I can ignore your argument and dismiss your conclusions.
As every body knows, there was no “learning” in the middle ages, that was the dark ages where everyone believed the world was flat and science was suppressed by the Catholic Church while they, out of hatred towards women burnt 1000,000 women at the stake for witchcraft through the Inquisition, which banned all learning. I know this because I learn t it at high school, read it on Wikipedia and someone associated with Dawkins and Sagan said so and there was a book by Dan Brown documenting it. Get real
.-= My last blog-post ..Another Climate Change Science Hockey Stick Graph =-.
Hey… You-Hew Flanagan… fancy shortening your name to ‘Matt’!
Are you calling me a flat-learner?
You know, I don’t believe the ‘learning is settled,’ and I am prepared to follow the evidence where it leads me!
And No, I have not been payed off, or bought out by, ‘Big Uni’
My last blog-post .. An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming ~ You Can Add Your Name!
I’m sorry Jonny but it was peer-reviewed by scientists, S.C.I.E.N.T.I.S.T.S. okay?
Anyone who thinks it is wrong is not a scientist.
.-= My last blog-post ..Three Questions for NIWA =-.
Well I think the graph is correct, and if you don’t then you must be anti science. By voicing any disagreement with this exquisite graph you are being both extreme and emotional, and you clearly need to get you anger issues under control.
PS, play the ball, not the man, you nutjob.
Well then, I must be, I can’t be… I HAVE TO BEEEEEEEEE… I can hardly bring myself to admit it, O No, what will they do with me… I am a skeptic, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Hold on, wait a minute, isn’t that part of the method of science? Surely Not!
But, on the other hand, these are S.C.I.E.N.T.I.S.T.S., they can be trusted to be free from scandal… maybe I will ’email’ one of them!
My last blog-post .. What Does It Really Mean When a “Skeptical” Scientist Disputes The Global Warming Thesis?
You’re not a skeptic Jonny, you’re a DENIER!
This jelly-wrestling is not something I wish to be part of. What exactly is your point Jonny? You and your denier mates at Christian News who don’t like me very much and call me names need to stop contradicting yourselves and read some scientists.
You should especially note my blog post on this which for some reason keeps getting deleted.
If you are going to keep deleting my comments I’m going to go off to my own blog and talk about you there.
.-= My last blog-post ..View Episode 2 Pacific Viewpoint TV Panel on Abortion & Parental Consent Here (Feat. Madeleine) =-.
You guys do realise, don’t you, that ridicule is one of the most obvious forms of flattery? Often also a Freudian slip.
Anyway – it seems I have left an impression with you and my messages may have actually sunk home in some cases.
Have a happy summer solstice and I look forward to some educational discussion in the new year.
.-= My last blog-post ..Sack all those scientists? yeah, right! =-.
Glad to see you have a sense of humour Ken!
Merry Christmas to you 🙂
.-= My last blog-post ..View Episode 2 Pacific Viewpoint TV Panel on Abortion & Parental Consent Here (Feat. Madeleine) =-.
Summer Solstice? Who’s this girl? You been watching MTV again Ken?!
My last blog-post .. My Blog Fidelity is Being Called into Question!
Only 250,000? I would have thought there would have been far more once you throw in the 31,000 who signed the Oregon petition, the 400 (or was it 800) on Inhofe’s list, all the members of the heartland foundation, the NZCSC, Andrew Bolt, Ian Wishart etc. etc. the list of climate science experts is nearly endless.
With that many climate Scientists, I think I’ve found the source of all that hot air.
.-= My last blog-post ..A Christmas Wish =-.
Xmas Eve Ramble…
Here’s the REAL climate hockey stick! As Madeleine says, “It really raises questions of sustainability.”…
As the author of the graph I can assure all that the methodolgy was rigorous and pew revied by another employee whose job depended on giving the right answer. The so-called “Medieval Learning” was accounted for, however we were able to “adjust” for this by offsetting the aberate data because of the Medieval “bloody stupid’ period as exemplified by the excommunication of Galileo and the burning of housewifes for the excesive use of condiments on the pretext of witchcraft.
In this maner were able to hide the incline of total climateologist numbers.
The learning is settled and 99% of graph makers in the direct employ of the Society for Making Graphs That Show What We Want Them To are in agreement that this graph is accurate. The other 1% is on academic probation for independant thought and may need psyciatric evaluation.
.-= My last blog-post ..Leftist propaganda hacks in full swing over John Stewart interview =-.
[…] recall the groundbreaking announcement we made in our post Another Climate Change Science Hockey Stick Graph where we revealed the alarming hockey-stick shaped incline in the number of climate change […]
Oh, I’m so afraid of climate changes! It’s already hard to survive in city duaring hot summer. And in my childhood it was always cold and rainy!
Please, download mkv player.
You have got some really interesting materials on sustainability, I only wish the figures in the picture were seen more clearly – this chart is too complicated for me to figure out.
Personally I prefer this graph