We’re in Wellington so we won’t be blogging til we get back.
Hope to see you at the bloggers drinks in Wellington tonight, at the All for Life Conference on Saturday or at the Auckland Bloggers drinks this Thursday.
Tags: Announcements4 Comments
We’re in Wellington so we won’t be blogging til we get back.
Hope to see you at the bloggers drinks in Wellington tonight, at the All for Life Conference on Saturday or at the Auckland Bloggers drinks this Thursday.
Tags: Announcements4 Comments
© 2006–2025 MandM — Sitemap — hosted by churchWEB — Cutline — Modifications by Madeleine Flannagan.
It was great to finally meet. Did you get back alright??? If I knew your were flying Jetstar I would have suggested you check in 2 hours early….
.-= My last blog-post ..Science versus Religion? =-.
Just! Jet Star were really snotty about us “checking in late” even though we were not over the time they said we had to be checked in by. Then when we were queuing for security they kept paging telling everyone to hurry up and board, every 5 mins, even though there was a queue a mile long at security and it wasn’t for lack of trying to board that everyone had not boarded – security was very slow. What was ironic was that everyone in the queue could see the two pilots sitting in the Jet Star cockpit and presumably they could see us yet the announcements kept coming to hurry up and board. Once on board they were grumpy with everyone and my tray table was filthy and my in-flight magazine had the puzzles all done and was ripped and tatty.
The contrast between Jet Star and Pacific Blue, both priced the same, was vast.
Anyway nice to meet you and Lucyna too – we met a heap of bloggers this weeked and it was really fun – almost a bit down to be home. Thanks again for the meal, company and taxi-ing!
.-= My last blog-post ..We’re in Wellington =-.
So what exactly was happning in Wellington?
We were invited to speak at the All for Life conference by Kapiti Voice for Life so we figured we’d make a weekend of it and organise a bloggers drinks and catch up with our Wellington friends.
.-= My last blog-post ..Climate Change Statistics Humour =-.