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Of Papers, Jobs, Weddings and TV Shows

November 19th, 2009 by Madeleine

We have had, and are in for, an interesting few weeks.

Last week I finished my studies for 2009 with my Legal Ethics exam and enrolled to complete the final two papers of my LLB (bachelor of law) in 2010. This week Matt handed in his final piece of assessment for his post graduate diploma in teaching and I re-entered the workforce! … Kinda.

My pre-car-accident (neck injury) employer phoned me out of the blue last week to offer me a small job. They have a project that needs doing, they don’t have anyone spare who can do it and so they thought of me.

So cool!


They have set it up so there is no need for me to do the drive into work (which can be a good hour or more at the wrong time of the day) I can work from home. They have supplied me with a lap-top so I can work in my bean bag. Its all flexi-hours to get around the bad pain days/parts of the day. It basically works that as long as I finish the project by the specified date I can break the hours down into manageable chunks.

So I have been thoroughly enjoying myself this week working! The whole thing will be over by Dec 10 but hey it beats sitting around being unproductive!

In other news I am apparently appearing on a TV panel tonight to discuss parental notification/consent on abortion with Dr Paul Hutchison – MP for Hunua, Bev Adair – Spoke person for Family First, the Principal of either Tangaroa College or Kelston High and the Rev. Tavale Mataia. The show will apparently air on Triangle TV on Tuesday night at 7.30pm also on Wednesday nights at 8pm on Sky Digital channel 89 and on Freeview channel 21.

Then of course tomorrow Matt will give his paper “Abortion, Harm and Eschatology” to the STAANZ conference. On Sunday I am not only attending Filia Day‘s wedding but I am doing the makeup for her 4 bridesmaids and then the weekend after that Matt and I are flying to wellington to attend the Wellington Bloggers Drinks and to speak at the All for Life Conference.

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