Here are the top 10 NZ Christian blogs based on Tumeke’s NZ blog stats for September; these stats are used in the calculations for the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for September 09:
MandM 21
Say Hello to my Little Friend (Beretta Blog) 27
Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (HalfDone) 28
Being Frank 32
- True Paradigm 66
Top 10 Tumeke. name of blog Tumeke rank
Of Note:
Change at the number 1 spot.
Nice climbing Beretta and welcome to the top 10 True Paradigm.
- Paul Gardner 74, The Humanitarian Chronicle 79, Christian News New Zealand 87, Theology Geek 93 each made the top 100 despite being outside the top 10.
Now that Tumeke’s September stats are out we will compare them with the HalfDone September report and publish the overall MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for September 09 shortly.
This list only includes Christian blogs that both:
1. Demonstrate adherence to the historic Christian tradition in their blog content.
2. Appear on and openly identify as a Christian blog on Tumeke’s ranking descriptions.
Notable by their absence are MacDoctor and Brad Heap. Both make our criteria of demonstrating adherence to the historic Christian tradition in their blog content but do not appear openly as a Christian blog on Tumeke’s ranking descriptions.
We use their Tumeke scores for the top 10, which both have made this month becuase they are openly Christian on HalfDone’s rankings. If either blog wants to make this report they know what to do…
I am not at all “in the know” about the ranking systems of these two rankers!
Which, in your opinion M… or M… or, both, is the better system of interpretation?
I have just realised that you are doing Sept., as I looked at HalfDone’s, but I have been looking at Oct., as I jumped up from 99… Maxwell Smart!
No need to applause!
Anti-Abortion Quotations for You to Ponder On!
Yes I am behind. Very behind and playing catch-up. October stats are about to be tackled now.
I think our system of averaging both rankings is probably the closest as both systems have their flaws.
HalfDone’s does not factor unique hits.
Tumeke’s gives prolific posting equal weight to unique hits – blogs with multiple authors or bloggers with no lives are going to outdo those with single authors whose content is superior and better read.
Open Parachute’s stats (in an attempt to pre-empt Ken) does not feature KiwiBlog or a few other key blogs so its most obvious flaw is its incompleteness.
My ranking system is based solely on actual visits stats now – it is on-line and automatically updates (NZ Blog rankings). Because it relies on bloggers making their stats publicly accessible it doesn’t include everyone (currently over 120 out of over 650). So, yes a few big ones are missing.
But at least it does deal with real stats (ranking average visits/day in the last 7 days). There just seem to be so many problems with systems like Alexa and Technorati (just try comparing them with actual visit stats – the correlations are not goood) that I have given up on using those.
Besides which, this automatic system is so much easier.
By the way Jonny, you are on that ranking – your stats are public.
I wish more bloggers did this.
.-= My last blog-post ..Richard Dawkins in Wellington next March =-.
Ken I do appreciate that your blog ranking tool is a clever thing and I like that it is unique visits based only but like you said it is very incomplete.
If more bloggers stats were openly available then you’d really be onto something with it.
That said a lot of blogs are read via feed readers so unique hits miss their traffic.
.-= My last blog-post ..New Zealand Christian Blog Ranking Policy Change =-.
True, Madeleine. But the data is relative. One advantage is that anyone (whether their stats are public or not) can compare their performance with others whose performance they have a feel for.
I have, in the past, included a ranking for RSS feeds. I currently don’t have the skill to automatically capture Google Reader and Bloglines subscriptions although I am sure it’s possible – maybe sometime in the future I might learn how to sue scripting to do this. This would also enable me to automatically capture google analytics data. however, one still must respect the wishes of individual blogger about their stats.
.-= My last blog-post ..Richard Dawkins in Wellington next March =-.
I note that Beretta blog is the highest with a single blogger. I have thought that the absolute value (not the relative position) should be adjusted by the number of regular contributors. Initially I thought to divide the result by the total number of bloggers. I wonder if dividing by the square root would be more reasonable.
Eg. from Tumuke
MandM = 336
New Zealand Conservative = 303
Say Hello to my Little Friend = 247
Something should go here, maybe later = 234
MandM have 2 bloggers,
NZ conservative have 6
Results would be
MandM = 336 / √2 = 238
New Zealand Conservative = 303 / √6 = 123
Say Hello to my Little Friend = 247 / 1 = 247
Something should go here, maybe later = 234 / 1 = 234
I guess that one could argue that blog access is what it is irrespective of the number of bloggers. But then one is always going to favour communal effort and blog aggregators such as Theology Geek. Not to mention that comments may be bloggers on fellow bloggers posts.