This post is part update, part recycle.
Earlier on in this blog’s life, I ran a small series of posts last year on common historical myths about the Church that are so pervasive in society that most Christians fall for them. Anyway, after receiving some correspondence, I have updated this post, More on the “Dark Ages” and Other Propaganda.
[I hope I am being mysterious enough to make you want to check it out – especially you Bethyada]
The “Dark Ages” and Other Propaganda
More on the “Dark Ages” and Other Propaganda
Things They Don’t Teach you in Public Schools…
The Flat Earth Myth
Contra Mundum: The Flat-Earth Myth
Guest Post: Dan Brown’s History of Science
Tags: Christian Blogs · Christian History · Dark · Dark Ages · Faith and Reason · Science and Religion5 Comments
The links don’t work?
I read it again
.-= My last blog-post ..Let it rain =-.
There’s a good recent post on this topic at Michael Flynn’s blog:
“My usual noodling around in re medieval science led me to an astonishing web-essay by someone calling himself Jim Walker on a religious belief site called for Freethinkers.
Now my first reaction to “freethinker” is “well, you get what you pay for,” and nothing in the essay caused me to alter that opinion…”
Thanks for that Dean, it looks really good. I have bookmarked it to read when I don’t have deadlines.
.-= My last blog-post ..Guest Post: Dan Brown’s History of Science =-.
@anon the links are working man?