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Christian Blog Ranking Report for September 09 – HalfDone

October 8th, 2009 by Madeleine

Here are the top 10 NZ Christian blogs based on HalfDone’s NZ blog stats for September; these stats will make up part of the calculations for the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for September 09:

  1. MandM 3
  2. NZ Conservative 9
  3. Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (HalfDone) 13
  4. MacDoctor Moments 16
  5. Say Hello to my Little Friend (Beretta) 18
  6. The Humanitarian Chronicle 24
  7. Liturgy Worship Spirituality 39
  8. The Dunedin School 41
  9. Being Frank 45
  10. Keeping Stock46

Top 10. name of blog HalfDone Rank

Of Note:

Note: This list only includes Christian blogs that are openly identified as Christian blogs on HalfDone’s ranking list.

When Tumeke’s September stats are out we will compare them with HalfDone’s and publish the overall MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for September 09.

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