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Tauranga: Public Meeting on S59

September 29th, 2009 by Madeleine

John Boscawen is holding a series of Public Meetings in various locations around New Zealand promoting his Bill to amend s59 of the Crimes Act to legalise the use of some types of reasonable force for the purposes of parental correction. Whilst the government would like everyone to think that this debate is over, Boscawen’s Bill is still alive; he has shrewdly removed it from impending vote and will re-admit it much closer to the next election.  His next meeting is in Tauranga:

When: Monday 5 October, 7.30 pm
Where: The Redwood Room, Bureta Park Motor Inn, Vale Street, Otumoetai, Tauranga

Speaking with  him will be Bob McCoskrie, Larry Baldock. The local MP, Simon Bridges, has also been invited. Sue Bradford declined the invitation to attend.

For more information, contact: Karen Bridgman on 09 531 5531 or kb*******@xt**.nz

See my review of the Auckland version of this event.

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