The editor of the New Zealand Law Students Association (NZLSA) publication LEX has just advised me that she has published my article “Three Strikes: Proportion and Protection.”
In it I argue that the objections to the The Sentencing and Parole Reform Bill (a.k.a the “Three Strikes Bill”) on the basis that it affronts the proportionality doctrine, which stems from the Bill of Rights, is flawed. I argue that criticisms of the Bill along these lines confuse appropriate force for punishment with defensive force.
Not to be outdone, Matt just came in from the supermarket with the October edition of Investigate Magazine, which of course, features his regular Contra Mundum article – this month entitled, “God, Proof and Faith” complete with pullquote “the sceptic’s position eats its own tail … [it] is incoherent” and photo of Richard Dawkins labeled “delusional?” (you gotta love editor Ian Wishart). We’ll have a full copy of this article available on this blog at the end of the month; the editor prefers us to penalise those of you who don’t buy his magazine by making you wait.
Tags: Public Policy · Publication · Punishment · Three Strikes Bill2 Comments
Doesn’t Wishart give contributors their own copies?
.-= ‘s last blog-post ..Sunday Science =-.
[…] legislative program. In my post Three Strikes: Proportion and Protection, which was published in the New Zealand Law Students Association publication LEX, I argued that the “apparent […]