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Christchurch Event: John Boscawen, David Garrett, Larry Baldock on s59

September 16th, 2009 by Madeleine

Recently I attended a public meeting in support of John Boscawen’s Bill to restore the right of parents to use reasonable force for the purposes of correction in the course of parenting removed by the current s59 of the Crimes Act. This Bill will be voted on shortly and for those of us who voted no in the recent referendum it is our best shot, currently available, to achieve a law change. Whilst National have said they will vote against it there are other parties in Parliament who might, apparently Labour are turning over a new not-so-nanny-state leaf and there are those in National who share our views who do have the power to challenge John Key’s decision to whip his MP’s (the notion that elected MP’s should vote in accord with what they believed right seems lost on John Key) so while the Bill remains alive so does some hope.

The next meeting is in Christchurch:

What: John Boscawen, David Garrett, Larry Baldock speaking in support of the Bill (other speakers to be advised).
When: Monday 21 September, 7.30 p.m
Where: St. Bede’s College, Performing Arts Centre, 210 Main North Road, Papanui, Christchurch City

John Boscawen has challenged Clayton Cosgrove to attend; Kate Wilkinson, the National List MP for the area has also been invited.

For info on future meetings email: kb*******@xt**.nz or phone: 09 531 5531.

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