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Auckland Bloggers Drinks Feat. Pamela Anderson and John Key – This Thursday!

September 25th, 2009 by Madeleine

Following on from the success of last week’s packed out impromptu Auckland Bloggers drinks featuring blogging celebrity David Farrar, Peter Cresswell and I have decided that we should feature celebrity guests more often.

Anna WoolfThis week Pamela Anderson is in Auckland for Fashion Week and John Key is back from New York, fresh from his success as New Zealand’s newest comedian to appear on Letterman, so we invited them both to the Auckland Bloggers Bar Bash.

They refused to take our calls are yet to confirm but in the unlikely event that neither will make it, and as Pamela is more woman than most, both Anna Woolf and myself will be appearing in her place and Peter Cresswell will be standing in for John Key.

Madeleine Flannagan standing in for Pamela AndersonOpen to anyone who happens to be in Auckland. Regular blogger attendees include those from Annie Fox, Not PC,, Lolly Scramble, State Highway One and MandM. Others have been known to stop by, such as David Farrar, Whaleoil, No Minister, Roar Prawn and Fran O’Sullivan so don’t be shy.

What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks – a social gathering of bloggers and bloupies (those who read, comment on and hang out with bloggers)
Thursday 1 October from 6.30pm
Galbraiths, 2 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland

Peter Cresswell standing in for John Key

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