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Auckland Bloggers Drinks Feat. David Farrar – This Thursday!

September 14th, 2009 by Madeleine

This week a number of non-Auckland bloggers will be in Auckland for the Forum on the Family. So, Annie Fox and I have conspired to hold an impromptu Bloggers Bar Bash this Thursday and David Farrar has confirmed his appearance.

What: A social gathering of bloggers and bloupies (those who read, comment on and hang out with bloggers)
When: Thursday 17 September from 5.30pm – note the earlier than usual start!
Where: Galbraiths, 2 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland

Open to anyone who happens to be in Auckland. Regular blogger attendees include those from Annie Fox, Not PC,, Lolly Scramble and MandM, others have been known to stop by so don’t be shy.

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4 responses so far ↓

  • […] reported on M&M, I’m up in Auckland Thursday and Friday, and conveniently understand there will be blogger […]

  • Hi MandM just wanted to say your site looks good – hope you enjoying WP. Unfortunatley cant make it to the bloggers drinks although if they were two weeks later I could have popped in as I may be in the big smoke in the holidays. Perhaps next time.
    .-= My last blog-post ..My Sexy White Legs =-.

  • Not yet enjoying WP, lots of behind the scenes issues and yesterday we broke the blog twice which was pretty awful but I think the day we will enjoy it is not too far away now! We still have about 1/3 of all blog posts on the site uncategorised and in some cases untagged and showing the incorrect author which we have to go through one by one but that is the least of our worries at the moment as all our permalinks malfunctioned and we were returning 404 errors left, right and sideways so fixing that was the bigger priority.

    Regular Auckland Bloggers drinks are the first Thursday of every month so if you are up here in the holidays you might be able to make it.
    .-= My last blog-post ..Rest in Peace William Alston =-.

  • […] on from the success of last week’s packed out impromptu Auckland Bloggers drinks featuring blogging celebrity David Farrar, Peter Cresswell and I have decided that we should […]