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David Lindsey on “Politics, Religion and Morality”

August 26th, 2009 by Madeleine

You’re invited to the final event in the Thinking Matters Auckland God, Morality and Society series:

What: David Lindsey on “Politics, Religion and Morality”
Tuesday 1 Sept – 7:00pm
Lecture Room 2, Laidlaw College, 80 Central Park Drive, Henderson, West Auckland
Talk followed by questions, answers and discussion.
Cost: Free but donations are appreciated

Decisions made by government bodies are not created in a vacuum. Policies are a consequence of the influence of ideologies and worldviews. In New Zealand an increasing preference for secular ideologies since WW2 has resulted in government policies increasingly at odds with orthodox evangelical teaching. This seminar will discuss these changes and suggest that Christianity provides a firmer foundation for governmental action than the alternatives.

David Lindsey is uniquely qualified to speak on political issues due to his qualifications as well his career spanning both the private and public sectors. He holds an MA (First Class Honours) in Social and Economic Geography, aDWS (Diploma of World View Studies), a PGDip (Arts) (Political Studies) and is currently completing a PhD in Political Studies at the University of Auckland specialising in Governance. His thesis topic is “How Parliament Handles Moral Issues.”

After gaining his MA, he worked for 13 years as a consultant to the property development industry and as an advisor in local government. His work in strategic urban development led him to speak on the governance issues with key decision makers at all levels, including cabinet ministers, central and local government politicians, CEOs, and foreign diplomats.

David’s expertise in governance issues has been sought after by numerous media and he has made personal appearances on the network news for TVNZ and TV3, documentaries on Triangle TV and Shine TV, Radio NZ’s Morning Report, the BBC in Britain, bFM, the Dialogue page of the NZ Herald, articles in the Challenge Weekly, as well as many industry publications.

He has had numerous articles published in both academic journals and the mainstream media, including a chapter on moral issues in two editions of NZ Politics and Government, New Zealand’s foremost sourcebook on NZ politics. He has been invited to lecture in both New Zealand and the United States at the University of California San Diego and Loyola Univeristy Chicago and during his professional career was a sought after public speaker speaking to many industry and academic groups.

He is currently teaching courses on NZ Politics in both the Political Studies and Planning departments of the University of Auckland. He has presented at politics conferences in New Zealand, Australia and the United States, and for three months worked with Prof. Philip Cowley, an acknowledged world-expert on moral issues and parliament, in the United Kingdom. After making a mid-career decision to earn his PhD, he was offered four full doctoral scholarships in both New Zealand and Australia. Currently, he is the recipient of a Top Achievers Doctoral Scholarship, awarded by the NZ government to the top 5% of PhD students. David has also earned a Diploma of Worldview Studies, with a 92% grade average, from Laidlaw College.

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