The MandM Top 10 New Zealand Christian Blogs for April 09, in the category of public discourse, are ranked by identifying Christian blogs then comparing Half Done’s April 09 stats with Tumeke’s April 09 stats and averaging them to obtain their overall April 09 ranking.
Rank. [previous top 10 rank] Blog MandM (Half Done Tumeke)
[1.] NZ Conservative 14 (6 – 22 )
[3=] MandM 15 (4 – 26)
[3=] MacDoctor Moments 17 (16 – 18)
[2.] Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (HalfDone) 19.5 (12 – 27)
[4.] Keeping Stock 28.5 (22 – 35)
[9.] Say Hello to my Little Friend (Beretta Blog) 40 (33 – 47)
[5.] Being Frank 43* (40 – ??)
[8.] The Humanitarian Chronicle 43.5 (29 – 58)
[6.] The Briefing Room 55.5 (47 – 64)
[N.] Contra Celsum 60.5 (46 – 75)
* For blogs that only feature on one set of stats a score for the other set is estimated by factoring in the discrepancy between the two sets of stats given their different ranking methods; any blogs this effects are marked with an asterisk. We suggest that any blog not featuring on both should submit their blog to the ranking they are not currently on as it is not always possible for us to simply calculate the score that blog would have obtained.
Note: This list only includes Christian blogs that openly identify as Christian blogs on Tumeke’s ranking descriptions. If you think your blog should be on the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blogs rankings contact Tim Selwyn of Tumeke and ask him to change your blog description to include something identifiably Christian on his rankings. More here.
I want to encourage bloggers who follow lists like this, and how they rank in them, to consider making their statcounter or sitemeter stats publicly accessible. I have heard a bit of criticism about ranking methods because they don't take actual visits into account. So I have produced my own ranking list for those 53 NZ blogs which have public stats (see NZ blog sitemeter ranking – May ‘09).
Four of the blogs listed in the post are included:
#10: MacDoctor Moments;
#17: NZ Conservative;
#19 Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later; and
#21: MandM.
I welcome any feedback on what bloggers would like to see in a ranking list. I am aware that there are several different criteria which could be used in ranking but many people seem to prefer giving priority to actual visit counts.
Recent blog post: Morality and politics
Formulae that excessively factor in page ranks are very flawed – especially when they result in blogs with lower uniques and backlinks trumping those with higher.
A ranking formula should predominantly weight:
unique hits (from a page counter) – say 40%
backlinks (from technorati) – say 40%
And give some weight, but not as much as the former, to amount of comments as that shows reader enjoyment and interaction though this can be artificial/faked – say 20%
If someone were to create a formula that just did that and commit to doing it each month I would follow it over Tumeke, HalfDone and Open Parachute.
Recent blog post: Tonight: Dr Matthew Flannagan on Moral Relativism
Interesting that you opt for a weighted factor model. If we could just get sitemeter counts for all blogs we could do something like that. It must be possible – after all how do Alexa, Technorati, Google etc., get their raw data.
Although my ranking is not based on a specific model deriving a rating score (as are Halfdone's and Tumeke's) it does derive a rating from averaging the separate ratings for 11 individual indices. Contributions are about 36%, 45% and 20% from page ranking, linking, and RSS subscription count groupings of indices respectively. Everybody might desire a different weighting – mine are based purely on what data is easily available.
Really most people ignore rating scores and remember just their own individual rating – that is, they wish only the compare themselves with other NZ blogs. The relationship between the different rankings and the ranking from the sitemeter stats can be compared for about 50 sites now. last time I looked (Ranking NZ blogs with sitemeter data) the sitemeter rankings contributed 52%, 54% and 60% to the Halfdone, Tumeke and Open Parachute rankings respectively.
In reality sitemeter rankings contribute about 50% to the Technorati Rank, Alexa Rank and Google Readers Subscription Count rankings. So we already have indices based on weighted models available but people don't seem to like them. There seems to be a preference for ranking based soley on sitemeter stats.
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