Happy Birthday Madeleine; Brittany and Noah made this for you .
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Happy Birthday Madeleine; Brittany and Noah made this for you .
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© 2006–2025 MandM — Sitemap — hosted by churchWEB — Cutline — Modifications by Madeleine Flannagan.
Hope the next year sees significant improvement as far as your injuries go!
All the best.
Happy birthday Madeleine. Hopefully something will work out int he not too distant future and we can be up that way permanently. I’m sure the year to come will be more bearable than the year that was (indeed, the contrary seems impossible!).
Thanks guys. Things are slowly getting better though we are unbelievably broke and my rotten pain weekend has turned into a rotten pain week but you know, one foot in front of the other.
Recent blog post: Bloggers Drinks and Birthdays