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Christian Blog Rankings Feb 09 – HalfDone

March 2nd, 2009 by Madeleine

Here are the top 10 NZ Christian blogs based on HalfDone’s NZ blog stats for February; these stats are used in the calculations for the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for February 09:

  1. NZ Conservative 10
  2. Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (HalfDone) 12
  3. MandM 26
  4. Keeping Stock 28
  5. Samuel Dennis 30
  6. The Briefing Room 35
  7. Being Frank 40
  8. Kiwi Polemicist 51
  9. Put up Thy Sword 55
  10. Say Hello to my Little Friend (Beretta Blog) 68

Top 10 Half Done. name of blog Half Done rank

Of Note:

  • The top 12 made the top 100!
  • The gaps are closing and each month more Christian blogs are emerging and climbing the rankings (don’t forget to make sure you are being ranked by Tumeke as well as HalfDone)
  • Welcome to the top 10 Being Frank!

Other Christian blogs making the top 200 NZ blogs on Public Discourse but outside the top 10:

Contra Celsum 74
Christian News 97
The Humanitarian Chronicle 101
Gavin Knight 105
Semper Vita 118
Blessed Economist 129
Section 59 Blog 162
Courage to tremble 168
NZ Debate 171
Stu’s a-Musings (Definitive) 184
The Voice of Reason NZ N/A

Note: This list only includes Christian blogs that are openly identified as Christian blogs on HalfDone’s and Tumeke’s rankings. If you think your blog should be on the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blogs rankings get on Tumeke’s rankings and ask Tim to ensure your blog description includes something identifiably Christian. More here.

Once Tumeke’s February stats are out we will compare and average the two sets of results and publish the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for February 09.

Consider linking to the NZ Christian Blog rankings to help people find quality Christian blogs.

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