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Entries from February 18th, 2009

When Did Solving Your Own Problems Become "Unreasonable"?

February 18th, 2009 9 Comments

What is so “appalling” about tightening your belt and sorting out your own financial mess? Stuff reports: Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is tracking down the Work and Income staffer who wrote to beneficiaries telling them to take out loans to cover their debts.After being tackled on it in Parliament, Ms Bennett said last night […]

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The EFA Officially Repealed

February 17th, 2009 3 Comments

The Electoral Finance Act is toast! Shortly before 8pm tonight parliament passed the third reading of the bill to repeal it 112-9 (no prizes for guessing who voted against… how many Greens MP’s are there in parliament again?). Freedom of speech has won a significant victory. A shred of hope for the future of New […]


Irritating Ads

February 16th, 2009 4 Comments

Have you ever thought about those TV commercials that target drunk driving? You know, if you have had a few then take a taxi, sleepover, get a sober mate to drive you home. Also those ones that the fire brigade do; don’t drink and fry, if you are having a few drinks then order in […]


Technical Problems

February 15th, 2009 4 Comments

We have a fault on our phone line currently meaning our internet access is down, ditto our landline. Due to being Telstra Clear customers, we cannot get this looked at until at least Monday. I am starting to seriously re-think switching back to Telecom who can get things done on weekends and who do not […]


Maori and Pakeha are Not Partners to the Treaty of Waitangi

February 11th, 2009 20 Comments

[For the benefit of our international readership: Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand; Pakeha is a term used to describe Caucasian New Zealanders; The Treaty of Waitangi is a significant founding document of our nation over which many historical and current differences have arisen around its role, interpretation and application.] Recently I read […]

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Victoria Fires

February 9th, 2009 4 Comments

This morning I heard the news about the fires in Victoria on the radio and I, like most people, was shocked and sobered. Like most Christians hearing the news, I stopped and prayed for the people affected. Two years ago my parents moved from Torbay (Auckland) to Cairns after really enjoying their holidays and the […]


Credits and Media Tactics

February 9th, 2009 2 Comments

I just had a quick look at KiwiBlog and noted David’s piece on the media not properly crediting stories broken by bloggers. This has happened to us on occaision, the Labour Moron sign springs to mind (which, since he put his head above the parapet, David himself failed to hat tip us properly on – […]
