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Christian Blog Rankings for Jan 09 – HalfDone

February 4th, 2009 by Madeleine

Here are the top 10 NZ Christian blogs based on HalfDone’s NZ blog stats for January; these stats are used in the calculations for the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for January 09:

  1. NZ Conservative 7
  2. Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (HalfDone)14
  3. Keeping Stock 23
  4. MandM 25
  5. The Briefing Room 27
  6. Samuel Dennis 50
  7. Put up Thy Sword 52
  8. Contra Celsum 72
  9. Kiwi Polemicist 89
  10. Say Hello to my Little Friend (Beretta Blog) 98

Top 10 Half Done. name of blog Half Done rank

Of Note:

  • There are now 6 Christian blogs in the top 50.
  • Welcome Keeping Stock.

Other Christian blogs making the top 200 NZ blogs on Public Discourse but outside the top 10:

Gavin Knight 104
Blessed Economist 127
Section 59 Blog 142
NZ Debate 157
Stu’s a-Musings (Definitive) 175
The Voice of Reason NZ N/A

Note: This list only includes Christian blogs that openly identify as Christian blogs on Tumeke’s rankings. If you think your blog should be on the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blogs rankings contact Tim Selwyn of Tumeke and ask him to change your blog description to include something identifiably Christian on his rankings. More here.

Once Tumeke’s January stats are out we will compare and average the two sets of results and publish the overall MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for Janurary 09.

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