It has been for a very busy year for me so far.
In January, I gave a lecture on Locke, Hume and Descartes to Maxim Institute’s interns. I also preached two sermons, one at Massey Presbyterian Church, the other at Riverhead Presbytarian Church.
I have been asked to teach Critical Thinking to 11-16 year old members of a local home-schoolers group for the next couple of weeks which will help me try out some of the Critical Thinking course I have been writing for Thinking Matters.
I have been approached by Massey Presbyterian Church to talk on Apologetics in early March.
Also in March, as part of my Teaching Diploma, I am going on practicum at St Peters College where I will be working in their Religious Studies Department for around eight weeks. Almost immediately after this, I will be teaching a three-week block course in Philosophy at Laidlaw College.
I was informed by The Royal Institute of Philosophy that my article “Abortion and Capital Punishment,” has been published in Think, which is a philosophical journal for lay people.
The editorial board of Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review have informed me my article, “The Premature Dismissal of Voluntarism,” will be published later this year.
Just yesterday, I just received word from the Editor of Ethics and Medicine that my article “Boonin on the Sentience Criteria” will be published in Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics in their Summer 09 edition.
In addition to this, I have been informed that the proceedings from a conference on C S Lewis, at which I spoke last year, are being considered for publication so I may need to format my talk into publishable form.
In the last week Thinking Matters have asked me to write an article on Religion and Science for the next edition of their journal and I have to chase up what is happening/has happened with the Journal of Libertarian Studies who appear to have published my article “Peron on Religion and Public Life” but the link for it does not work and they have not communicated anything for ages.
Madeleine and I are also working with Thinking Matters and local Christian Apologists to look at setting up a regular apologetics group in Auckland and are working on organising an Apologetics conference.
We both have a small handful of speaking engagements, debates and seminars for various campus groups and community organisations around the country to prepare for as well, as well as some research projects to complete, studies to prepare for our bible study group and, of course, blogging, ongoing publication efforts and employment applications – all of this is in addition to our studies and parenting responsibilities.
All we need now is for one of these projects to turn into full-time, permanent, paid employment and we will be set!
Having said that, we still have a lot of space on our calendar so if you think of us…
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You wrote “Think is a philosophical journal for lay people.”
Think’s website states:
“The central aim of Think is to provide to a very wide audience – including schools, colleges and the general public – highly accessible and engaging writing by philosophers pre-eminent in their fields.“
Theres nothing wrong with tooting your horn Matt, you don’t have to do the kiwi thing of downplaying your achievements all the time. Well done.
FLip I’m happy if I do a blog a week!!
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Ah good to see you’re blacked out…