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Shadow Report: Top 10 NZ Christian Blogs Dec 08

January 6th, 2009 by Madeleine

The following shows how November’s Top 10 NZ Christian Blogs (public discourse) fare on Half Done’s December stats compared to Tumeke’s November stats;

  1. [1] NZ Conservative 10 (23)
  2. [3] Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later 17 (33)
  3. [4] MandM 25 (46)
  4. [2] The Briefing Room 27 (31)
  5. [9] Put up Thy Sword 46 (98)
  6. [5] Samuel Dennis 51 (62)
  7. [6] Kiwi Polemicist 61 (72)
  8. [8] Say Hello to my Little Friend (a.k.a Beretta Blog) 65 (97)
  9. [10] Gavin Knight 109 (112)
  10. [7] Contra Celsum 117 (95)

Top 10 Half Done [Top 10 Tumeke] name of blog Half Done rank (Tumeke rank)

Of Note:

  • All Top 10 Christian blogs improved on Half Done’s formula v Tumeke’s – a few have close to 50% improvement!
  • There are now 5 Christian blogs in the top 50.
  • There is a change in the top 3 😉

Other Christian blogs making the top 200 NZ blogs on Public Discourse but outside the top 10:

[10] Section 59 Blog 137 (166)
[O] NZ Debate 159 (151)
[O] Definitive 165 (167)
[O] The Voice of Reason NZ N/A (194)

Note: This list does not include Christians who blog but whose blogs are not identifiably Christian and is based on Tumeke’s classification and ranking methods.

If you think your blog should be on the rankings click here.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • Yeah, I got in the top 20 this month after a big drop in numbers – how did that happen when others also dropped in numbers?

  • I don’t know, same thing happened to us too; I was very pleasantly surprised to be at number 25 as my goal for the year was to crack the top 30 – just need Tumeke to agree with Half Done now!

    But as my surgery was scheduled for 9 Dec and from there we seriously dropped off posting and, of course, we were not commenting on other people’s blogs which also draws visitors I figured it was a lost cause and was prepared to rise on the stats. When we finally cracked the top million blogs in the world part-way through Dec I was heartened but I then looking at the dive in unique visits I thought Alexa was malfunctioning or it was some kind of glitch.

    I guess everyone dropped in visits but us less so but why I don’t know because we reduced our posts, had longer periods than usual of no posts and were not commenting elsewhere – maybe it was the personal spectable thing, you know us sharing what was going on in our lives and that being rather dramatic…?

    As I was not in the blogosphere much, and still not am, what was going on at Big News over Dec?