A friendly warning: I’m pretty sure that you’re breaking the law here 🙂
My post has a link to s197 of the Electoral Act, which precludes adding posts on election day that have “any statement advising or intended or likely to influence any elector as to the candidate or party for whom the elector should or should not vote”.
My commiserations at the dire future the US now faces at the hands of Obama and the Democrats – especially at such a crucial time as this.
New Zealand will only fare better if ACT can pull National back to the right. At least National cannot govern without them and it appears cannot govern with just United Future so that is something.
Did God Really Command Genocide? Coming to Terms with the Justice of God
Authors: Paul Copan, Matthew Flannagan
A common objection to belief in the God of the Bible is that a good, kind, and loving deity would never command the wholesale slaughter of nations. In the tradition of his popular Is God a Moral Monster?, Paul Copan teams up with Matthew Flannagan to tackle some of the most confusing and uncomfortable passages of Scripture. Together they help the Christian and nonbeliever alike understand the biblical, theological, philosophical, and ethical implications of Old Testament warfare passages.
True Reason: Confronting the Irrationality of the New Atheism
Eds: Tom Gilson, Carson Weitnauer
Today's New Atheists proclaim themselves our culture's party of reason. It is a claim they cannot sustain. Reason is the New Atheists' weakness, not their strength and in fact, the Christian faith is a far better place to look for True Reason. Making their case accessible to the first-time inquirer as well as the serious student, this top-flight team of writers presents a sound defense and a strong introduction to the true reason uniquely found in Christianity.
Feat. William Lane Craig, Sean McDowell, John DePoe, Chuck Edwards, Peter Grice, Matthew Flannagan, et al.
In Defense of the Bible: A Comprehensive Apologetic for the Authority of Scripture
Eds: Steven B Cowan and Terry L Wilder
The book begins by examining foundational philosophical approaches to the Bible as well as the methodological challenges those philosophies create for interpreting the Bible. It then addresses textual and historical challenges and how to deal with them. Finally it looks at ethical, scientific, and theological challenges demonstrating the Bible's moral integrity in relationship to contemporary moral emphases.
Feat. R Douglas Geivett, William A Dembski, Mary Jo Sharp, Darrell L Bock, Paul Copan, Matthew Flannagan, et al.
Virtues in Action: New Essays in Applied Virtue Ethics
Ed: Michael W Austin
Many philosophers have considered the strengths and weaknesses of a virtue-centered approach to moral theory. Much less attention has been given to how such an approach bears on issues in applied ethics. The essays in this volume apply a virtue-centered perspective to a variety of contemporary moral issues.
Feat. Michael W Austin, Robert K Garcia, Nathan L King, Gregory Bassham, Nancy E Snow, Matthew Flannagan, et al.
Holy War in the Bible: Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem
Eds: Heath A Thomas, Jeremy Evans & Paul Copan
The challenge of a seemingly genocidal God who commands ruthless warfare has bewildered Bible readers for generations. A range of expert contributors engage in a multidisciplinary approach that considers this issue from a variety of perspectives: biblical, ethical, philosophical and theological.
Feat. David Lamb, Paul Copan, Murray Rae, Heath Thomas, Stephen B Chapman, Douglas S Earl, Matthew Flannagan, et al.
Come Let Us Reason: New Essays in Christian Apologetics
Eds: William Lane Craig & Paul Copan
The nineteen essays here raise classical philosophical questions in fresh ways, address contemporary challenges for the church, and will deepen the thinking of the next generation of apologists. Packed with dynamic topical discussions and informed by the latest scholarship.
Feat. J P Moreland, William Lane Craig, Gary R Habermas, Craig Keener, Paul Copan, Matthew Flannagan, et al.
True Reason: Christian Responses to the Challenge of Atheism
Eds: Tom Gilson, Carson Weitnauer
While New Atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and others proclaim loudly their rationality, clear thinking, and incontrovertible scientific arguments, others are beginning to wonder how genuinely rational they are. Have they proved anything? Have they argued convincingly? Have they pinpointed any real challenges to the credibility of Christian faith?
Feat. William Lane Craig, Sean McDowell, John DePoe, Chuck Edwards, Peter Grice, Matthew Flannagan, et al.
A friendly warning: I’m pretty sure that you’re breaking the law here 🙂
My post has a link to s197 of the Electoral Act, which precludes adding posts on election day that have “any statement advising or intended or likely to influence any elector as to the candidate or party for whom the elector should or should not vote”.
This blog entry was posted at 11.59pm last night.
As such, we are covered by s197(2A)(a) and (c) as our blog is not advertised in any newspaper, magazine of other material first published today.
Until you commented I hadn’t realised that our time zone setting was out so thanks for that, I have fixed it.
I voted for our election over here across the pond. I’m sure you know the outcome by now. I hope NZ fares better.
My commiserations at the dire future the US now faces at the hands of Obama and the Democrats – especially at such a crucial time as this.
New Zealand will only fare better if ACT can pull National back to the right. At least National cannot govern without them and it appears cannot govern with just United Future so that is something.