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Last Minute Election Craziness

November 7th, 2008 by Madeleine

First of all it was the over-excited motorists honking at anything blue.

Then I just went shopping, I wanted to buy myself some new shoes and take a break from being serious and deliver invites to our election gathering. My phone beeped.

A text from a stranger:

Politics is changing. This election keep the Government clean, and party
vote Green! Please 4wd. Authorised by Jon Field 73 Eden St, Wgtn. To unsub txt
bk NO

I wrote the following reply:

Don’t spam my phone. I won’t be voting for nanny state.

I got the following reply:

Aw shuks. I’m just helping swinging voters to come join the happy throng –
its never too late to take stock of our collective future.

“Helping” ???? How? by invading my phone? I responded:

No matter how much I swung as a voter, I would never support a party that
thinks the state can invade law abiding citizens lives.

I would love to know how I got on a Green party undecided swing voter list. Hmmm.

UPDATE: This question is now answered, the Green texter was my brother in law – I am so embarrassed I was so rude to him! Sorry Rich 🙂

Then I came home and opened my easy vote pack and discovered we are in the Te Atatu electorate, we had assumed we were in Waitakere but with everything happening in our lives we hadn’t checked. So now I have to frantically research the candidates.

Whilst Matt and I will not endorse a party or share who we give our party vote for I think most of our readers would know that Chris Carter, no friend of the Christian, was never going to get our electorate votes and would further not be surprised that we are likely to vote strategically for his closest opponent. That said, Tau Henare, his closest opponent still bears scrutiny as it still matters to us where his political compass is and he does not automatically get our vote – well he probably will as a cursory look and value your vote (not that we endorse their ‘ends’ focussed analysis or agree with all the criteria they deem anti-family) tells us that he is pretty suckful as a candidate but like Matt said who would you rather was fronting some bad piece of legislation, the slick, seasoned campaigner, nice-guy Carter or Tau?

Then I checked in on our blog and could not believe the vitriol in the comments section of Fisking Grant Robertson, so many anonymous’s and the statements are so extreme they have to be people taking the piss, they cannot be for real!

The craziness is esculating!

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