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Entries from July 31st, 2008

Stop Worrying So Much! Some Enviro Myth Busting

July 31st, 2008 1 Comment

I heard Leighton Smith talking about this article on Newstalk ZB this morning so I looked it up and it is worth sharing – especially the top 6! 10 Things to Scratch From Your Worry ListFor most of the year, it is the duty of the press to scour the known universe looking for ways […]

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Self-Reference and Little-p philosophy

July 30th, 2008 3 Comments

I am a closet “ego surfari” (to coin one of Maverick Philosopher’s phrases); I enter my name into Google to see where my name comes up and what people are writing about me. It is an old hang up that goes back to my student politics days at the University of Waikato when Matt and […]

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The Bible Tells Me So

July 25th, 2008 2 Comments

Suppose a person upon reading scripture and hearing the scriptures expounded through preaching from the pulpit believes that God has prohibited a certain class of actions. Suppose further that the believer is aware of no conclusive argument either for God’s existence or for the affirmation of the command in question. Nor is he or she […]

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Of course I think I’m right!

July 18th, 2008 3 Comments

I find it really frustrating when I encounter someone who throws the “you think you’re right” accusation at me and assumes that this obviously makes me arrogant and that I should therefore back down and run away ashamed. I am sick of it. I will not be made to feel guilty for thinking my opinion is […]


More on God, Negatives and the Burden of Proof: Some responses to Mark V

July 13th, 2008 6 Comments

In my last post I took a swipe at certain popular dismissals of theism on the grounds that “God’s existence can’t be proved.” Mark V offered a measured and thoughtful response in the comments section. We enjoy feedback from our readers and I have always enjoyed his, particularly those on the Euthyphro dilemma and I […]

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Kant and the ZoneAlarm Update

July 12th, 2008 4 Comments

On Tuesday despite being able to connect, we discovered we could not download or send email and we could not access the web at all. After doing battle with the automated ISP Help Desk computer that claims to understand english and in fact frequently does not, we heard a recorded message that they were experiencing […]

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On Negatives and the Burden of Proof

July 3rd, 2008 4 Comments

One common reason I hear for atheism is the claim that there is no proof that God exists. Several questions can be asked about this objection. What exactly does the objector mean by proof? If all things need to be proved to be sensibly believed then what is the proof that all things require proof? […]

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