John Key’s statements that National has no plan to lift the nuclear free policy of New Zealand are very disapointing. While David Farrar has a good point about it being “one less stick to be beaten with,” New Zealand’s nuclear free policy is stupid.
No I am not advocating that New Zealand enters the arms race and builds nuclear weapons – we’d need armed forces to make any sense of considering that as an option. I am talking about nuclear power.
Nuclear power rates higher on factors such as clean, green, efficient, reliable, affordable.
It is ridiculous that we are considering ruining our landscapes in the pursuit of noisy, native-bird-killing, ugly windfarms that produce stuff all power anyway. Hydrodams are ecologically unfriendly and coal is a bad pollutant. Geothermal again wrecks natural wonders. And none of the above is going to solve our power crisis.
The ridiculous knee jerk reactions to the mantra “nuclear” have to stop. More people have been killed by oil and battery plant accidents and the auckland motorways are more of a menace to human life than a nuclear power plant would be.
Tags: John Key · National Party · Nuclear Power1 Comment
I quote you “More people have been killed by oil and battery plant accidents and the auckland motorways are more of a menace to human life than a nuclear power plant would be.”
Granted, this is true, until something goes wrong. Can you guarantee my safety and that of my children, IF (unlikely In know, but possible you must admit) something does go wrong and we have a “nuclear accident”? Can you guarantee my children that their future will contain a level of pollution similar to what they experienced when we decided to bring them into this world, and not a radiation-contaminated landscape? If you can do this rationally then I will wholeheartedly support nuclear power. Until then I disagreee with your sentiments and will continue to support the “ridiculous knee jerk reactions to the mantra “nuclear” have to stop”.
BTW, your blog is great, I’m thoroughly enjoying, though not agreeing with much of it. This entry on nuclear power lets it down though I feel.
You standard of reason is admirable but comments like “Hydrodams are ecologically unfriendly and coal is a bad pollutant.” etc , while true, have no real bearing on justifying nuclear power. Thats similar to reasoning that assult is ok because assult with a deadly weapon is bad.
Also, your comment “More people have been killed by oil and battery plant accidents and the auckland motorways are more of a menace to human life than a nuclear power plant would be.” also suffers from the same ill-reasoning I feel. More people have been killed in the US from handguns than assult rifles, so therefore lets let everone have an assult rifle!
I wonder if I’m missing an obvious point here. The rest of your blog has awesome reasoning, but this topic is well-below standard.
Have a nice day and thanks for the interesting thought-provoking entries 🙂