Someone just forwarded me this: Twas The Diet After Christmas Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house, nothing would fit me,not even a blouse!The cookies I’d nibbled,the eggnog I would taste at the holiday parties had gone to my waist. When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When […]
Entries from December 31st, 2006
Saddam Dead
December 30th, 2006 Comments Off on Saddam Dead
At 4pm Saddam Hussein, the Butcher of Baghdad, was executed. Saddam deserved to die. I do not think anybody believes he was innocent of serious crimes. This dictator murdered and tortured thousands of innocent people including women and children. I have had the misfortune of reading some of the accounts of Saddam’s atrocities from firsthand […]
Tags: Capital Punishment · Saddam Hussein
More Stupid Policies that Penalise Drivers
December 30th, 2006 1 Comment
The government is planning on introducing a new tax on drivers, a tax on distance travelled. Similar to the road user charges already inflicted on diesel drivers. This is apparently to help reduce the junk science concept of ‘global warming’ – please! Of course National now buys all that crap about “global warming science” thanks […]
Tags: Bad Policy
A day at the beach in Dunedin
December 29th, 2006 2 Comments
We took the kids to the beach this morning since the sun came out and our 5 year old son had a new red bucket and spade he was eager to make sandcastles with. We found a spot between the flags as close to the water as we could sit, about 8 m, while still […]
Tags: Family
Misrepresenting Catholic Theology
December 28th, 2006 1 Comment
The Herald has run a story with the no-brainer title “Patient dies after machine unplugged“. According to the article an italian doctor turned off a patient’s life support system (did the title of the article give you a clue?) at his request. The article went on to suggest that this might be illegal euthanasia, outlined […]
Tags: Ethics · Euthanasia · God and Morality · Theology
Poor Drivers to be Above the Law
December 28th, 2006 1 Comment
If you can’t pay for your traffic fines you will soon be able to drive at speeds like those that Helen travels at when she is late for rugby games with no fear for your wallet. Yep folks the government’s latest socialist policy is that those who cannot afford to pay their traffic fines should […]
Christmas was never about religion til recently….
December 30th, 2006 Comments Off on Christmas was never about religion til recently….
I thought it was one of those urban legends, you know when you keep hearing something that sounds so ridiculous it can’t possibly be true. I am speaking of the reports I have heard about people phoning into talkback shows or strangers overheard making comments to the effect that religious people are trying to take […]
Tags: Christmas · Historical Ignorance · Religion in Public Life · Religious History